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Sponsor an animal

In order to accomplish its mission of conservation and scientific research, Rabat zoo has developed a program within the framework of the prescriptions of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA).

The protection and conservation of endangered species program.

The protection and conservation of endangered species program includes several actions related to:

  • The protection and preservation of wild animal species living in captivity.
  • Scientific Research on Wildlife in collaboration with international zoos and institutions for the safeguarding of animal life.
  • The conservation of threatened or endangered species especially the Atlas Lion…
  • Raising public awareness of the need for wildlife preservation and the importance of captive breeding.
  • Environmental education for a better understanding of wildlife and extinction threats.
  • Participation in the protection and safeguard of endangered species actions internationally in collaboration with international zoos and specialized world organizations.

The Sponsors Rabat Zoo hold the label of their commitment to the environment and to the protection of rare or endangered species.

The Rabat Zoo offers you the opportunity to sponsor an animal to contribute to the conservation and protection of endangered species. Thanks to you, the zoo will be able to continue to save endangered species.

The sponsorship amounts will help to improve the facilities and enhance daily lives of sponsored animals. In exchange, sponsors will receive a photo of their animals, regular news about them and other benefits depending on the sponsorship package chosen.