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President message

Chief Executive Officer
Rabat Zoo is the translation of the Royal ambition to provide the Kingdom’s capital with a structure in line with the scale and quality of major projects, and in compliance with international standards and requirements of sustainable development constitute the cornerstone of all of the development projects undertaken by the Kingdom.
Morocco; whose geographical location and the combination of biological, climatic and geological factors have provided it with a biological diversity, a rich landscape and a singular cultural dimension in the Mediterranean basin; offers some forty natural ecosystems sheltering various plant and animal species, many of which are endemic.
It is in this context that Rabat Zoo comes to integrate, with the mission to present a configuration of this wealth, to constitute a space of conservation of the Saharan and African animal species, and a center of studies for scientific knowledge on species – including endangered ones.
As such, the zoo focuses its exhibition on a range of wildlife species in Africa, specifically the
Moroccan fauna with emblematic species such as the Atlas lion, the barbary sheep, the Saharan antelopes and the Bald Ibis; for which Morocco is home to the last viable wild colonies in the world.
The habitats of these species are conceived as reproductions of territories, similar to those of their environment of origin, in order to create the same original living conditions. And offer this fauna a frame of expression as natural as possible reproducing wild behaviors and avoiding artificially creating exogenous ecosystems.
Rabat Zoo, under the label “Wild Encounter” offers to its visitors different experiences and creative educational entertainment targeting both adults and children, responding to the progressing curiosity of visitors. The zoo is positioning itself through its scientific research programs and conservation of rare and endangered species to develop a pole of research on wildlife on an international scale.
Under the label “Wild Encounter”, the Rabat zoo specializes in Moroccan, Saharan and African fauna, exposing around 2000 animals representing 190 animal species.
Five African ecosystems are reproduced just like the original habitats of these animals:
Rabat Zoo has set as a mission animal welfare preservation, conservation, scientific research, environmental education and entertainment.

The conservation and protection of animals and the ecosystems in which they live, as well as the contribution to the safeguarding of rare or endangered fauna species;

Aware of the importance of environmental awareness and education, Rabat Zoo creates activities; for its young visitors; to discover the fauna and flora of their region in order to become aware of their environment and acquire the knowledge and values needed to be able to take action and be sensitive to present and future ecological issues.

Scientific research
Scientific research and the enrichment of knowledge about different species, including biological, physiological, behavioral and health awareness;
The zoo regularly opens its doors to the Veterinary Institute students, high school and doctoral students wishing to study and specialize in wildlife.

Rabat Zoo offers various outdoor educational and leisure activities, outdoor relaxation areas as well as quality catering services.
The Rabat Zoo is a limited company created in 2007 by Decree No. 2-07-841 of 7 Joumada I 1428 (May 24, 2007) and wholly owned by the State.
Name of company :
Jardin Zoologique National S.A
Company purpose :
Design, develop and manage the National Zoo of Rabat.
Share capital :
460 millions DH, 100% owned by the State
Architects :
Architectural group
Design Office :
CID Consulting, Engineering and Development
Control Office :
Qualiconsult Quacot, Technical Control of Construction and Civil Engineering Professional and operating RC Insurance.
Board Chairman :
Board of Directors
Ministry of Economy and Finance ;
Ministry delegate for the environment ;
Wilaya of Rabat Salé Zemmour Zäer Region ;
High Commission for Waters, Forests and the Fight Against Desertification ;
Ministry of Equipment,Transport and logisties.